IFLODD: Firefighter Memorial

Firefighter Record

Firefighter Details

Name William Dickey
Agency Hutsonville Township Fire Department
Rank Assistant Chief
Type of Firefighter Volunteer
Age Range 41 to 45
Sex Male
Date of Birth 0/0/0
Date of Death 1/28/1980
Cause of Death Stress/Overexertion
Nature of Death Heart attack
Attribute of Death [not applicable]
Type of Duty Emergency vehicle operations , Responding to/returning from incident

Incident Details

Incident Name N/A
Incident City Hutsonville
Incident State IL
Incident Date 1/28/1980 22:15
Incident Location Firehouse
Incident Attribute [Not applicable]

Incident Summary

On January 28, 1980, Assistant Chief William Richard Dickey of the Hutsonville Township Fire Department suffered a fatal heart attack in the line of duty.

At around 10:15PM, Dickey responded to a fire alarm. The first firefighter to arrive at the fire station, Dickey activated the fire siren, opened the apparatus bay doors, and started a fire truck. Minutes later, the other responding firefighters found him unconscious in the driver’s seat of the fire truck. Dickey was transported to Crawford Memorial Hospital in Robinson, but efforts to revive him were unsuccessful.

Dickey had been a member of the Hutsonville Township Fire Department since November 1962.

Firefighter and Incident Images

Firefighter and Incident Audio

No Audio for this Firefighter/Incident record
