Taking an IFSI Exam
The following outlines what to expect for compliance purposes when taking an exam through IFSI:
- - Original, unexpired, government issued photo & signature bearing identification is required in order to take exam.
- - Prior to beginning exam, each student is required to print name and sign an agreement form. The Proctor will then verify the signature against the ID presented. First and last name must match name on class registration/roster.
- - Cell phone(s) and unauthorized electronic devices must be turned off and removed from desktop. We recommend that such items be secured in one's vehicle and not even brought to the testing area.
- - No hats/no hoodies can be worn during testing.
- - Writing on exam booklet is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.
- - Cheating includes, but is not limited to; use of cell phone, talking to other individuals, looking at another student's exam, accessing unauthorized materials, and causing any disruption to the exam administration.
- - Exam time does not stop if one opts to take a break. One must surrender personal items (cell phone, etc) and exam materials to the Proctor for duration of the break. It is also an expectation that any lengthy breaks or unusual occurrences will be documented by the Proctor and reported to the Testing Office. Upon returning from break, Proctor will need to verify student's ID once again.
- - No shows count against a student's allotted retest attempts.