Firefighter Details

Name: Kevin Kilgallon
Gender: Male
Agency: Markham Fire Department
Type of Firefighter:
Rank: Firefighter
Type of Duty: Firefighting operations, Search and rescue operations
Type of Award: Medal of Honor
Year of Award: 1996
Incident City: Markham
Year of Incident: 1995
Incident Location Type: Residential
Incident Attribute: Fires

Decorated Actions

Lieutenant James Barrett, Lieutenant Darryl Dixon, and Firefighter Kevin Kilgallon of the Markham Fire Department were awarded the Medal of Honor for their efforts to rescue a disabled victim from a residential fire in Markham, Illinois on September 4, 1995.

The Markham Fire Department responded to a fire at 2938 Sherwood St. Upon arrival, they learned that a young disabled female was trapped in a back bedroom. Lieutenant Barrett and Firefighter Kilgallon attempted to enter the house but were met with flames and intense heat. The two men suffered second-degree burns as a result. Lieutenant Dixon then provided water and attacked the fire, allowing Barrett and Kilgallon to enter the home. The two were able to find the victim, who was not responsive, and remove her to safety. Once outside, they performed CPR on her and monitored her condition until paramedics arrived.


“Illinois honors individuals for acts of heroism,” Illinois Department of Health, May 23, 1996.

“2 earn Firefighters’ Medal of Honor for actions in bus-train crash,” Daily Herald, May 17, 1996.

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