IFLODD: Firefighter Memorial

Firefighter Record

Firefighter Details

Name Thomas Anderson
Agency Chicago Fire Department
Rank Battalion Chief
Type of Firefighter Career
Age Range 51 to 55
Sex Male
Date of Birth 0/0/0
Date of Death 11/17/1934
Cause of Death Stress/Overexertion
Nature of Death Heart attack
Attribute of Death [not applicable]
Type of Duty Post-incident

Incident Details

Incident Name N/A
Incident City Chicago
Incident State IL
Incident Date 11/17/1934
Incident Location Store/Office
Incident Attribute Fires

Incident Summary

On November 17, 1934, Chicago Fire Department Chief Thomas W. Anderson of Battalion 7 died in the line of duty after fighting a 2-11 fire on West 14th Street. Anderson suffered a heart attack and collapsed at the Engine 18 headquarters shortly after returning from the fire. A twenty-six year veteran of the department, Anderson was survived by his widow and three children.


“Chief Anderson Dies After Dash To Factory Fire,” Chicago Daily Tribune, November 18, 1934.

Firefighter and Incident Images

Firefighter and Incident Audio

No Audio for this Firefighter/Incident record
