The Challenge Exam for the NFPA Industrial Fire Brigade – Advanced Exterior course is designed to give trained Industrial Fire Brigade members the opportunity to obtain national certification. Evolutions, including multiple skills stations, will be conducted over one day. Upon successful completion of this objective process, national certification is awarded to the candidate, and the candidate’s name will be entered in the Pro Board registry.
Written Test: None
Skills testing: Six skills are evaluated. Skills are referenced to NFPA 1081 JPRs. Candidates are given two attempts at each skill.
Skill Sheets: Performance Evaluation Checklists can be viewed here.
Reading Refences texts:
Industrial Fire Brigade, Principles and Practices, 1st Edition Revised. (2012) Jones and Bartlett Learning, LLC
NFPA 1081 Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications, 2012 Edition
IFSI prerequisites are based on Illinois and NFPA standards. Equivalencies from other agencies will be reviewed upon request.
If you have specific questions about this course contact JOSEPH JAY
If you are interested in having this course taught in your area, contact JOSEPH JAY or your regional representative.
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